Blue North Web Studios was founded in August of 2006 by Evan Burgess and Jeff Hazen. Before that time, Jeff and Evan worked for an international hydro-acoustic development and production facility called Stedtnitz Maritime Technologies. As the sole employees of this company they were responsible for customization, maintenance and production of a unique water velocity meter, or AVM, called the AFFRA.
The Acoustic Flow-rate Meter for Remote Areas (AFFRA) was their flag-ship product. It provided seamless water velocity data without having to use moving parts. All measurements were made through the use of high frequency acoustic energy and complex wave analysis.
In 2005 the Chinese Government sent a deligation of hydrologists to Eganville to meet with Stedtnitz Maritime Technologies.
Over a period of eight years Jeff and Evan gained valuable experience in real-world design, production, advertising and customer relations.
They participated in the development of a complete stand-alone computer system. This activity gave them a unique understanding of the structure of a computer. And because the AFFRA's operating system was written entirely in machine language, techniques in code efficiency and tidiness were essential.
As computer technology improved a new measurement method become popular. The Doppler method allowed for a single point velocity measurement and complete river profiling. With subsidized competition around the World, sales dropped, and after twenty years of pioneering, the company was forced to lay off its two employees
New Beginnings
In order to remain in the Ottawa Valley and continue working together, Jeff and Evan decided to start a business. This had been their dream for some time. With the experience gained from designing and maintaining their old company's website, plus the skills gained from their own web projects, they decided that web programming was the path to take.
Blue North Web Studios is unique in the sense that we are programmers first. We don't search the internet for templates or free scripts; we design your website from scratch. By combining our knowledge of the PHP language with our experience in HTML and CSS anything is possible. All we need is your idea.
Programming and Web Experience
We have over 16 years of combined knowledge and experience in many languages and programming styles. We prefer to do all of our server-side scripting in PHP and our client-side scripting in JavaScript. We use PHP exclusively because it can do everything the other languages can, and we feel that ultimately it isn't the language you use, it's the program you write.
PHP (hypertext preprocessor) has many advantages over traditional scripting languages. It can be embedded in the HTML document removing the need for a CGI/BIN directory. It gels perfectly with mySQL, and its resemblance to the C++ programming language allows for structured programming and classes.
Below is a list of languages we use:
Web Application and Mark-Up Languages
- Java (Applets and Applications)
- Flash (Application, Animation and Navigation)
Scripting (Server and Client)
- JavaScript
- VBScript
Object Oriented and Traditional Languages
- Visual C++
- Visual Basic
- Machine Language (IBM and Motorola)
- Assembly Language (CPU and Microcontroller)